Jan 14th, 15th 2023

Layered Icicles

Layered Icicles 2 & 3_Jan 14

An experiment with layered overtones in the higher extremities of G major.

Played close to the bridge, centered around the 4th partial (G) on the G string as the lowest foundation.

A fleeting melodic motif is followed by alternating tones across the D and G strings. The resonance between the artificial harmonics and the natural harmonics glisten quite beautifully together.

Recorded Jan 14th 2023 @ HIAP **Beyer M160, three tracks

Layered Icicles 10 & 12_Jan 15

More experimentation with layered overtones in the higher extremities of the G and D strings. #10 utilises conventional tuning and #12 utilises scordatura.

The resonance in these recordings is slightly less sustained than Layered Icicles #2 and #3 due to more artificial harmonics (as opposed to natural harmonics).

Centered around the 2nd partials (G and D) on the G and D strings to sound the artificial harmonics:

  • 4th partial on G string *sounding G, art harm

  • 4th partial on D string *sounding D, art harm

  • 10th partial on G string *sounding B, art harm

  • 10th partial on D string *sounding F#, art harm

  • 12th partial on D string *sounding A, art harm

**Scordatura — tuned to E A Db G:

Centered around the 2nd partials (G and Db) on the G and Db strings to sound the artificial harmonics:

  • 4th partial on G string *sounding G, art harm

  • 4th partial on D string *sounding Db, art harm

  • 10th partial on G string *sounding B, art harm

  • 10th partial on D string *sounding F, art harm

  • 12th partial on D string *sounding Ab, art harm




Delay Icicles